Ganesha ji : How Ganesha ji tooth (tusk) got broken !
When Ved Vyas maharishi was about to write Mahabharat, he wanted that a very wise, intellect and keen to learn also has deeper understanding of the various Shloka's philosophically. should write Mahabharat.
His mind got stuck on one such God Ganesha ji, So he mediated upon him and once he appeared. As he came in front of him Ved Vyas ji said :
Vyasa ji: "Oh, wise Ganesha, I seek your help in transcribing the Mahabharata as I narrate it."
Ganesha ji: "I am honored, Vyasa ji. But before I agree, let us establish some conditions."
Vyasa ji: "Alright Ganesha, What conditions do you propose?"
Ganesha ji: "I shall transcribe only if you promise to dictate the verses without pause."
Vyasa: "Agreed, but on one condition: you must comprehend the meaning of each verse before writing it. You must understand it deeply before you pen it down."
Ganesha: "Deal."
Vyas ji started narrating and Ganesha ji started writing - The Mahabharat Shlokas were so profound and having such deeper meaning that while writing it passionately his Quill broke down.
Ganesha ji: "Uh-oh! My quill has broken. What shall we do now?"
Vyasa ji: "We cannot pause. The verses must flow uninterrupted."
Ganesha ji: "I have an idea." He breaks off one of his tusks. "I will use this as a writing instrument."
Vyasa ji: "As you wish, wise Ganesha."
Ganesha ji continues transcribing the Mahabharata with his makeshift quill, ensuring the epic is recorded without delay.
This is how Ek Dant Ganesha ji got his name...
Undeterred, Ganesha, in a display of resourcefulness and devotion to duty, breaks off one of his own tusks to fashion a new writing instrument.
In this pivotal moment, Ganesha's sacrifice ensures the seamless continuation of the narration, embodying the essence of selflessness and commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. Thus, the broken tusk of Ganesha becomes not only a symbol of his divine presence but also a testament to the enduring values embedded within Hindu mythology.
When you bring this Ganesha ji murti to your home it will act as an source of blessings, inspiration and wisdom. We are thrilled to introduce beautifully crafted addition to our home - a beautiful Ganesha ji Murti (statue) of Lord Ganesha, the beloved deity revered for his wisdom, intellect, and benevolence. As we welcome this sacred symbol into our midst, we invite you to join us in honoring the timeless lessons embodied in the myth of Ganesha's broken tusk.