Discover the Wisdom of Hanuman Ji - Fabzie - Home Decor Elegance

Discover the Wisdom of Hanuman Ji

Hanuman Ji Meditation: The Path to Higher Consciousness

Bhairavi Mudra: Harmonizing the Mind

The meditation pose in which Hanuman Ji sits, with his right palm above his left palm, is known as Bhairavi Mudra. This sacred hand gesture is not just a meditative posture but a profound technique to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain. By aligning these hemispheres, Bhairavi Mudra helps to synchronize analytical and creative faculties, leading to a harmonious and balanced mind. This synchronization silences the chaotic thoughts, bringing about a state of deep mental tranquility.

States of Consciousness

Hanuman Ji was enlightened by Shri Ram about the different states of consciousness, which are fundamental to understanding the nature of the mind. These four states are:

  1. Jagrat (वैक्श्वनर) - Waking State: The conscious state where we interact with the world through our senses.
  2. Swapna (स्वप्न) - Dreaming State: The state of dreams where the mind creates its own reality.
  3. Sushupti (सुषुप्ति) - Deep Sleep: A state of deep sleep without dreams, where the mind is at rest but still present.
  4. Turiya (तुरिया) - Beyond Consciousness: A transcendental state of consciousness, where one is awake within deep sleep, achieving a state of oneness.

Samadhi: The Merging of States

When we enter deep meditation and achieve a zero-thought state with an awakened mind, we attain Samadhi. In this state, the boundaries between the different states of mind dissolve, and one remains awakened even in deep sleep. This is the state of Turiya, where all experiences merge into a single continuum of awareness.

Shiv Ji elucidated this state with a profound shlok:

"यथा सैन्धवखिलः सर्वमपि दृष्टं
तथा प्रज्ञानेनमयं लोकः"
(Chandogya Upanishad 6.14.1)

As oil spreads uniformly in all directions, in the same way, the state of pure consciousness (Turiya) spreads across all states of mind, ensuring that our awareness remains unbroken in whichever state we are in.

The Path to Higher Wisdom: Muktika Upanishad

In the Muktika Upanishad, a sacred text capturing the conversation between Shri Ram and Hanuman Ji, Shri Ram imparts profound wisdom on attaining higher consciousness. When Hanuman Ji seeks guidance on achieving ultimate wisdom, Shri Ram advises him to study ten specific texts. These ten books, or Upanishads, are:

  1. Isa Upanishad
  2. Kena Upanishad
  3. Katha Upanishad
  4. Prashna Upanishad
  5. Mundaka Upanishad
  6. Mandukya Upanishad
  7. Taittiriya Upanishad
  8. Aitareya Upanishad
  9. Chandogya Upanishad
  10. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

These Upanishads are considered essential for those seeking higher wisdom and enlightenment. They delve into the nature of reality, the self, and the ultimate truth, providing a comprehensive framework for spiritual growth.

The Path to Higher Wisdom

Meditation is the key to achieving this state. Our Hindu culture and ancient wisdom are replete with teachings that guide us not only through the valorous deeds of Shri Ram and Hanuman Ji but also through precise methods and techniques to awaken our higher wisdom and enhance the higher-order functions of our mind.

By following these meditative practices and studying the sacred texts, we can tap into the profound depths of our consciousness, harmonize our mind, and awaken our true potential. Hanuman Ji's meditation and the teachings of Shri Ram and Shiv Ji provide us with a roadmap to achieve a state of enlightenment and inner peace.

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